If you don't have a rich heart?

If you don't have a rich heart?

wealth is an ugly beggar

Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar!

- R. W. Emerson -

Every one's Fortune

About fortune.

His own character is the arbiter of every one's fortune.

- Publilius Syrus -

Do you know what the life is?

What is the life?

life is half spent before we know what it is

Life is half spent before we know what it is.

- lreland Probeb -

What is to teach?

What is to teach?

to learn

To teach is to learn twice.

- J. Joubert -

What is the most wasted day?

What is the most wasted day?


What is the most wasted day?

The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed.

- Chamfort -

What does the future depend on?

What does the future depend on?

Mahatma Gandhi says,

Mahatma Gandhi says, what we do in the present

I can not emphasize too much.

things practised become second nature

Things Practised become second nature.

- Ovid -

You don't need to live the slave by whatever

the slave of words

Be not the slave of words.

- T. Carlyle -

Why is the human being a blind man?

The human being is

The human being is a blind man who dreams that he can see.

- Hebbel -

The Difficulty in Life is?

The Difficulty in Life is the Choice.

George Moore

About Old men's learning

Old men are always young enough to learn without profit.

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